Monday, April 2, 2018

Condemning 'March For Our Lives' & #NeverAgain As Hate Groups.

From the video they promoted as their message; it is clear it's an emotional response and we respect all who have lost someone. We never hope anyone needs to defend people with guns, but thats the safest it can be. It's safest if we the people can protect ourselves. This movement is clearly political and not middle down the road; common sense reform. Because instead they are asking to ban the most owned gun in America and belittle 'NRA' Members who are Law Abiding Civilians who own guns. The same types of guns; they wanna take away!

See it here:
We need to understand Non-violence is only possible with Self Defense. Murderers never follow laws and are usually deranged.

Blaming the NRA as a "Gun Manufacturing Protection Group"; you are misunderstanding that the NRA has even saved lives lately; protecting someone from a criminal with a Gun. Proving once again, guns save lives. The NRA are not the problem, they are civilians; we should hold them to the fire to be more pro-2nd Amendment half the time. They budge too quickly!

NRA Saves Lives:
- Armed citizen saves officer who was being attacked

This is as American as you can Get! Saving the Helpless!

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